Friday, February 16, 2007

It will all work out

If one more person tells me "it will all work out" I am going to hit them! NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THIS WHEN THEY ARE FACING A POTENTIAL CRISIS!!!!!!
OK, I feel better now.

Heard back from our adoption agency, and as expected, they really were not helpful. I don't know what I expected, but to just sit around, and wait to see what happens, is not what Courtney does best. They don't "think" we will get a referral before Joe gets back from Iraq (we don't even know when or for how long he will be gone exactly), so we just need to wait and see what will happen. They didn't "think" we needed to renew our documents just yet, and that once we get a referral we will have up to 6 months to go to China and get our baby anyway (yeah, like once I see my baby's picture I will be able to wait 6 more months to go and get her).

Of course Joe is the one who talked to them, and I don't think he fully realizes the problem. I guess I will have to talk to them myself before I will feel any better. I need something a little more concrete than "think" to make me feel better. I need to cover all options to all scenarios before I will feel better. This is my (OK,our)daughter we are talking about, and I am not going to wait around and hope "it will all work out".

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I know what you mean about people saying "it will all work out". Sometimes you just don't know or it doesn't "all work out". I am so BAD at waiting around not knowing anything. I'm so sorry!