Sunday, September 2, 2007

Just 4 months!

I was just reading the Rumor Queen site to see if referrals were on their way, and her latest post just made me very sad. The CCAA has only referred 4 months worth of LID's within the past year. As of Sept. 1st, 2006, the CCAA had referred through July 22nd 2005, and as of Sept. 1st, 2007, the CCAA had referred through Nov. 21st, 2005. That is only 4 months. At this rate, we will be waiting another 3 years for Chloe, on top of the time we have already waited for her (see bottom of page for total wait time). If Joe were not going to Iraq at the end of this month we would be redoing all of our paperwork right now and just adopt domestically again, or just switch countries. Something, anything, I can't just sit around waiting for things to happen anymore. Why is it so hard for us to expand our family? I am a damn good mom, Joe is a damn good dad, and all we want is to have more children. Why is that so damn difficult? We have been trying to add a child to our family since Blaine was 6 months old. 4.5 years we have been waiting for a second child. It isn't supposed to be this hard. I guess I should just be happy to have been blessed with Blaine. I have no idea how those first time waiting parents do it. I would never consider waiting around on China if I were waiting for my first child. I had been so positive my daughter was in China. I felt so drawn to China, and was positive that our next child was waiting for us there. Oh, I'm not complaining about not being able to have biological children. Biology means nothing to me. I could care less that I need medical intervention to conceive. I love Blaine more than anything, and I couldn't love him more if he came from me. I just want another child. We have room in our hearts and in our lives for another child, and we have so much to offer another child. Poor Blaine is so smothered by my love and attention, he could use a sibling to offset all of those kisses and love and attention that he gets.
OK, I am done with my rant and I feel better now. There is nothing I can do until Joe gets home, so I will just wait and see how things go between now and July 2008. If there is not a speed up in the process by then, we are jumping ship (oh, by the way, Joe and I have already discussed it, and he is totally on board, he wants another child as much as I do).

1 comment:

A Mom- In-W8ing said...

I know things are very disapointing right now. My thoughts are with all of my fellow waiting Mommy's.

Smiles! :o)