Wednesday, October 10, 2007

One Year

I just looked at the calender and realized that it has been a year since we sent our completed Dossier to GWCA, and Oct 13th will be our One Year DTC Anniversary as well as our 11 month since we were LID.

Explination for those who have no idea what I just wrote:
Dossier= adoption documents including notarized homestudy, medicals, police checks, FBI checks, passports, marriage liscense, birthcertificates, etc. It's been so long I forgot what all was in it. I do know that it took over 7 months to compile thanks to the super quick trun around at the New Orleans CIS (this is called sarcasm)
GWCA= our adoption agency, Great Wall China Adoptions (cheesy name, I really thought it was a joke at first)
Oct 13, 2006= was actually FRIDAY October the 13th (I should have known)
DTC= Date to China=the date our dossier was sent to China
LID= Log in Date=the date the CCAA logged our dossier into their system with the other 30,000 dossiers they had on hand.


A Mom- In-W8ing said...

Congratulations on one year DTC and 11 months LID!!

Every milestone takes you one step closer to your precious little Chloe.

Smiles! :o)

Laura said...

Congratulations on your 1 year DTC anniversary. I thought we'd all be so much closer to referral, but things don't always end up like I think or plan. At least its a year less you have to wait.

DTC = 10/27/06
LID = 11/22/06

jennifer said...

Congratulations! you're getting closer.